The Cursed

Night Hunter

The Night Hunter came from the wraiths, but have been given the freedom of choice. This class of the Cursed is a melee class that deals in magnificent combat. Night Hunters have tricks up their sleeves to cause an opponent's downfall, especially when they can summon their own to the playing field. Their attacks are quick and deadly. If you are in their way, you better make way.

Armor: Light/Heavy

Shadow Specter

One class of the Cursed race is the Shadow Specter. They have evolved from the wraiths and are tested between right from wrong constantly. They are impressive when it comes to dark magic. This class is known for their charms and enchantments. The Shadow Specter contains the ability to walk pass a wraith without being harmed if they are in their "wraith-like" state and also the ability to heal upon sacrificing their own blood. Cross them and you are in for many curses.

Armor: Arcane