The Cursed

Shadow Specter (Skills)



Cost: Magic
Description: Calls on the earth and does # earth damage.

-Blood Share

Cost: Magic & Hp
Description: Sacrifice # hp from oneself to heal a friendly target by #. The amount of hp sacrificed will lower upon leveld skill.
Note: Can not be used on oneself.

-Dark Ritual

Cost: Magic & Hp
Description: Sacrifice half/part of your hp to ressurect a friendly target. The amount of hp sacrificed will lower upon leveld skill.
Note: Can not be used on oneself.

-Dark Call

Cost: Magic
Description: Call on the darkness within to heal oneself by #.

-Magical Mirror

Cost: Spark/Magic
Description: Makes a mirror for # seconds and if hit by an opponent, reflects full/half/part of attack damage to them plus #% of your magic damage.

-Friendly Swap

Cost: Magic
Description: Tranfers friend's mp to hp if friendly target's health is low.

-True Personality  
Lv. 79
Description: Turns into a vampire beast and deals melee damage and  leeches hp every successful critical strike. lasts 12 seconds.

-Tainted Pool
Lv. ?
Description: Sacrifice hp for a larger mana pool.
Note: Can not be used on others.

Lv. 59
Cooldown: 10 minutes
Description: Refills mana of friendly target.
Note: Can not be used on oneself.

-Spirit Conjure  
Lv. 52
Cost: Magic and 1 spark
Cooldown: 6 minutes?
Description: Summons a Wraith Spirit that converts users base magic damage and weapon damage into its physical damage. It disappears after # seconds.

Lv. ?
Cost: Chi
Cooldown: ?
Description: Decreases channeling speed for # minutes of all party members.

Buff/Debuff Skills

-Dark Whisper

Cost: Mana
Description: Creates a dark aura around friends. Deflects magical attacks given by attackers. Reduction varies on leveled skill.

-Dark Illusion

Cost: Chi drain
Description: Turns into a wraith-like state with the ability to not gain aggro. Wraiths higher level than player's current level are uneffected by the illusion.

-Fog of Rage

Lv. ?
Requisite: Must be in Wraith State
Cost: Magic drain
Description: Tricks one monster to attack another targetted by the puppeteer. If the mob controlled destroys the other wraith, it turns to normal. When chi is finished or move canceled, the mob will return to regular.  If the mob being controlled dies however, the master will lose a  % of  hp and knocked out of wraith state. The monster that killed the contorlled one will go after the caster..
 Note: Can only control a mob the same lvl or lower. Can't be a boss or miniboss.

-Dirty Blood
Cost: Hp & Magic
Description: Take some blood and spray it on a nearby enemy, causing a severe posioning.  

-Blood Pollution
Cost: Hp & Magic
Requisite: Dirty Blood
Description: Offer a sample of blood up so it will rain upon enemies within a # radius, causing random negative effects.

-Shadow Gaze

Cost: Magic
Description: Stuns/Silences the opponent for # seconds upon success.

-Puppet Dance
Cost: Magic
Description: Sends threads of string around an enemy, immobolizing it for # seconds.

-Pulling Strings

Cost: Magic/Chi?
Requisite: Puppet Dance
Description: Sends threads of string around all enemies, immobolizing them for # seconds within a # radius.

Cost: Magic/Chi?
Description: Enrages enemies within a # radius.

-Rays of Hope

Lv. 29
Cost: Magic
Description: Heal jumps from squad member to squad member, decreasing every time healed.

Lv. ?
Cost: Magic
Description: Reduces target's attack speed.

-Motion Sickness
Lv. ?
Cost: Magic
Description: Reduces target's movement speed.

-Concentration Dispel
Lv. ?
Cost: Magic
Description: Increases target's channeling speed.

-Astral Dimension
Lv. 100
Cost: Magic
Description: Increases magic attack and critic rate by #% of magical defense for 15 seconds. Has a 50% chance to take half of hp upon use. 
Demon version: Skill have a 60% chance of not using mana
Celestial version: use is increased to 30 seconds.

-Astral Dimension
Lv. ?
Cost: Magic
Description: Increases magic attack and critic rate by #% of magical defense for 15 seconds. Has a 50% chance to take half of hp upon use. 
Demon version: Skill have a 60% chance of not using mana
Celestial version: use is increased to 30 seconds.

Passive Skill

Puppet Mastery: Increases magic damage by #%.