The Cursed

Special Quests

-Level 8
Requisite Class: Night Hunter
Name: Loyalty
Description: You must learn loyalty before recieving it. Upon completing this quest, you are ready to gain a great ally that will be there when you are in trouble.


3 choices of pets [Exclusive to this class]
These will be available if pet bag is open.
The first one in pet bag or the one in hotkey will be auto-summoned upon pressing Call of the Grim

One of each:


-Blazing Dragon egg

-Vicious Bat egg

Land [Recommended (For starters)]

-Dark Saber egg

-Razor Chain egg


-Wrath-filled Shark egg

-Squid of Abomination egg

-Level 19
Requisite Class: Night Hunter
Requisite: Loyalty
Name: Duty Calls
Description: It seems you are getting along with your gaurdian nicely. However there has been some trouble recently at The Wrath of Pan Gu. Do be a dear and help the Weary Soul by killing 35 sand wolves. I'm sure you will be rewarded for helping her.


- Bat


- Demon Wolf

- Black Cat

- Sea Snake

- Barracuda