The Cursed

Night Hunter (Skills) 

Jinen - Smaller dex weapons, basically all the other weapons aside from the Jygen.
Jygen - Larger str weapons.

 Jinen Branch (DD/Support Skills)


Lv: 1
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Initiate
Weapon: Melee, Barehand
Description: A bite that causes the target to bleed and deals # damage


Lv: 45
Cost: Mana drain
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Discord
Weapon: Melee, Barehand
Description: Slice through the air with incredible speed, attacking all enemies within a 10 meter radius. Deals base damage plus 1% of weapon damage every 20 mana points. Also adds # damage.

-Calm Night

Lv. ?
Cost: Chi/Spark
Requisite: ?
Weapon: Melee, Barehand
Description: Takes a random negative effect off a friendly target upon success.
Some effects can not be removed.

-Bloody Trial

Lv: 79?
Requisite: ?
Weapon: Whip, Double Whip, Nunchucks
Description: Sacrifice health to increase critical stike rate.

Increases rage of enemy.

-Call for the Grim

Lv. 9
Cost: Chi
Description: When taking a lot of damage, use up chi to summon a great wraith (Depends on location: Air, land, water) quickly to the player's side (Not those long times as a regular call pet. Instantly). Sacrifices also own attack power by #%.
Note: The Wraith can only be healed by this class.

-Dark Bite

Lv. ?
Cost: Chi?
Description: Takes a bite out of the opponent, making bleed damage and transferring health to oneself.
Leveled skill determines amount of damage and health gain

-Immortal Rage

Lv. ?
Cost: Same as BB/RB
Weapon: Dex melee weapon
Description: Accesses rage skills and they're atk speed is increased but defence is reduced. This skill increase atk speed and creates a huge aura like circle on the ground and any party member in it will have an increase to atk. and each member will have a red/black aura light up around them every now and again like bb/rb

Leveled skill determines amount increased

Jygen Branch (Tank/Defense Skills)

 -Defense Form

Lv. 9
Requisite: ?
Weapon: Jygan
Description: Switch position and sacrifice guardian wraith so that physical and magical defense is increased by #% of pet's magical and physical defense. Movement speed is reduced by 1/3 of regular movement speed.

-Heart's Content

Lv: ?
Requisite: ?
Weapon: Melee, Barehand
Description: Creates an aura around friendly targets and sacrifices Night Hunter's damage for  party health/chi regain?

-Mighty Smash
Lv: 9?
Requisite: ?
Weapon: Jygan
Description: Bash an enemy with a heavy weapon doing #% of weapon damage plus base physical attack. Increases rage of the enemy.

-Wind of Blades
Lv: ?
Requisite: ?
Weapon: Armblades, Jygan
Description: Twirl around in a circle, forming a furious cyclone of blades. Hits enemies within a  # meter radius.

Lv: 100
Cooldown: 30 minutes
Requisite: ?
Weapon: Jygan
Description: Sacrifice half of physical defense to reduce friendly target's (or squads?) physical damage taken for 5 minutes? seconds?
Note: Does not work in pvp

Night Hunter/Pet Skills

First Branch (Normal Attacks)

Require whips

-Initial skill could be: Whip Crack

-DoT (flesh ream like) is needed, too

-Lv. 59 Leech Skill

-Sprint skill

- Whip Mastery

-Lv. 79 Critical Strike Aura (Squad buff, increased crit % rate)

-Lv. 100 Shadowhood (invincible for X (5) seconds)

-Lv. 79 Self Buff: Physical Defense (-> Tank ability)

-Lv. 59 Devastation (AoE)

-Lv. 59 Assault (ports behind enemy, crit. attack)

Second Branch (Land Pet)

- Damage skill

- Aggro skill

- Self Buff

-Lv. 100 Pack Leader (Squad "aura": increased attack rate, accuracy, attack damage)

Third Branch: Air Pet Skills:

- Damage skill (ranged)

- Mana Drain

- HP regeneration (for Night Hunter + Pet)

Third Branch (Air Pet)

- Damage skill (ranged)

- Mana Drain

- HP regeneration (for Night Hunter + Pet)

Fourth Branch (Water Pet)

- Damage skill

- Debuff